Chantilly Volleyball Club --- Fairfax County, Virginia

Welcome to the home page of the Chantilly Volleyball Club. CVC was founded in 2007 and its goals are to bring affordable volleyball to the Northern Virginia area and expand boys' participation at all levels in this great sport. Additionally the club would like to expand play for women and men both new and not so new to volleyball.
Adults: Fall registration will open in September for new players.
Updated on 25 July 2024
Program Updates
Please contact Melissa Fedors at [email protected] for details about the club. Or you may go to the men's or women's league tabs to find more information about the adult divisions.
Women's league -- A Level (Advanced players) and B Level (recreational players). Practice group for new players.
Coed: There are three levels of play. The A coed division plays on Tuesdays & Thursdays. The BB level plays on Tuesdays and the B coed division plays on Thursdays.
Men's division: CVC has a men's league for experienced players only. Teams play once each week on Fridays. One team is a Tuesday only team this fall.
Fee: $75 per season. Please click on the team page at the top for more information. New players are welcome.
Junior Volleyball Program
CVC offers clinics during the summer & winter. Boys interested in playing volleyball should sign up to play. CVC has a summer program for boys starting in mid June and a winter program starting in mid November. If you have questions about CVC's programs, please contact Melissa Fedors at [email protected].
Girls may join, too (must have playing experience - the girls' program is not for beginners). Please email Melissa ([email protected]) if you would like to register your son or daughter to participate with CVC's junior program.
CYA Volleyball - Chantilly Youth Association

Players interested in learning how to play volleyball or improving their volleyball skills should participate with Chantilly Youth Association. Teams practice once a week for 90 minutes and compete on Saturdays at Franklin MS and/or Rachel Carson MS. For more information go to
Fall 2020
Summer 2020
Winter 2019-2020
Fall 2019
Summer 2019
Spring 2019
Winter 2018-2019
Fall 2018
Summer 2018
Spring 2018
Winter 2017-2018
Fall 2017
Summer 2017
Spring 2017
Winter 2016-2017
Fall 2016
Summer 2016
Spring 2016
Winter 2015-2016
Fall 2015
Summer 2015
Adult Fall Program 2013
Adult Summer Program 2013
Adult Spring Program 2013
Coed Tournament - Spring 2013 - Fox Mill ES in Herndon, VA - Congratulations C3
Men's Tournament - Spring 2013 - Stone MS in Centreville, VA - Congratulations Team 2
Winter 2012-2013 A Level Tournament at Franklin MS -- Congratulations Team A3 - 1st Place
Winter 2012-2013 B Level Tournament at Rocky Run MS
CVC Men's Division - Winter 2012-2013
CVC U14 Tournament on 2 February 2013
Intraleague Tournament on 29 December 2012 -- Congratulations Team 2: Chantilly Storm
Rocky Run MS Season Opening Tournament - 8 December

Thank you to the coaches and players for a good night of volleyball!
A Level Women's Tournament - Fall 2012

Congratulations Team A2 on their first place finish this season!
B Level Women's Tournament - Fall 2012

Thank you for your participation this spring. Congratulations Team B1 on their first place finish this season!
Men's Tournament - Fall 2012

Thank you for making this fall season so fun! Congratulations Team 4 on their first place finish this season!!!
Coed Teams - Fall 2012

Thank you to all of the players who came out to Rocky Run MS to compete in the end of season tournament. The winner was decided with a final tie break set to 15: Congratulations Team 5!
Summer Program 2012

Team 1 - Coed Division
Coed Division

Team 8 - Coed Division
Congratulations Team 8 - 1st Place Coed Division
Family Division Tournament - Summer 2012

CVC Family Division - Summer 2012
Congratulations to the winning team of the family division!
Intraleague Tournament at Rachel Carson

Congratulations to the players who won first place at the tournament. The teams competed well. Hopefully there will be more tournaments to come this season.
Interleague Tournament at Rachel Carson

Teams pictured from left to right: CVC coed; CVC boys; Firebirds; WLVBC Teams 1 & 2. Thank you to the coaches and players for making the tournament such a success.
Congratulations Team A5 - First Place Fall 2011
Congratulations Team B1 - First Place Summer 2011
Chantilly Volleyball Club Women's League
CVC Summer Program 2011

Thank you to all of the players and families that participated with CVC's summer program this year. There were 9 junior teams and 13 adult teams competing. Please keep playing volleyball this fall whether with CYA or another youth group.
Congratulations to Team 4: Loudoun & TJ
High School Coed League - 2011

The winter/spring HS League: Thank you to the coaches and players for making the season a success. Click on the HS League tab to see pictures of the CVC HS League.
Dig Pink

CVC donated $218 to the Side Out Foundation. Pictured are the supporters of this initial fundraiser. Thank you all!